Inspired wholly and completely by Hozier's soundtrack, Shrike.

I couldn’t utter my love when it counted,
Ah, but I’m singing like a bird ‘bout it now.
I couldn’t whisper when I needed it shouted,
Ah, but I’m singing like a bird ‘bout it now.
Everlasting thinness, would never set in
Instead of a shrike piercing its prey,
I was the one who kept my demons let in,
I was the one piercing myself away.
Impending abuse and impaling freefall,
Never the final breath of a sword.
My soul said, “remember me, love?” when all I could recall
Was anorexia piercing my glorious form.
As my throat feared, my fingers mounted,
I had no idea what ground I was found in.
All of my virtues went uncounted,
All of my goodness was gone to be thin.
Dragging along, enslaved by your thoughts,
Hung like the progeny, of your reign.
My soul said, “remember me, love?” when all I could recall,
Was anorexia piercing my glorious plane.
I fled to the city with so much discounted,
Ah, but I’m flying like a bird to you now.
Back to the soul where it’s nourished uncounted,
Ah, but I’m flying like a bird to you now.
I was highest by the unliving
love that was scorned,
But grounded by my giving,
And generous form.
My soul said, “remember me, love?” when it was reborn
As was my ability to cherish its form.
That just reached into my heart and grabbed hold